Hello, I'm a web developer based in Indonesia!

Andi Pratama

Digital Craftzman ( Artist / Developer / Designer )

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Andi is a freelance and a web developer based in Surabaya with passion for building digital services/stuff he wants. He has a knack for all things launching product, from planning and designing all the way to solving real-life problems with code. When not online, he loves hanging out with his camera. Check this out Instagram.


1998Born in Jombang (East Java), Indonesia.
2017Graduated high school in SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya
2023Completed the Informatic Engineering in University Doctoral Nugroho Magetan
2023 to presentWorks as a freelance

I ❤

Art, Music, Photograpy, Billiard , Netflix and chill, Machine Learning

On the web

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